Simplify • Improve • Enrich

Verity Consulting is a New Zealand owned independent provider of bespoke IT consulting services and wider technical lifecycle solutions.

We provide wrap around services for both traditional and shift-left technology environments and use a collaborative and empowering approach to deliver efficient and effective technology solutions across our three pillars of Testing & Automation, DevSecOps & Engineering and Transformation.

We prize tech-led evolution and are committed to delivering outcomes that help our customers simplify, improve and enrich their business. 

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About Us

We launched in 2019 to change the consulting game! Verity delivers a broad range of customised outcome-based solutions that are fit for purpose and ensure value for investment. We provide maximum flexibility and use a simple approach which leads to higher quality delivery, optimal cost efficiency and increased velocity.

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Our Clients

chorus logo
mtf finance logo
te tari taiwhenua logo
Experieco logo
Atek Logo
Massey University logo
Medical Council of new zealand logo
Meridian logo
MidCentral District Health Board logo
Ministry of education logo
NZX logo
Oranga Tamariki logo
St John Logo
Te Whatu Ora Logo

    Get In Touch

    If you require more information on any of our services, or if you're interested in exploring a career in technology consulting, we'd love to hear from you!

      Let's Connect

      Connect with us via our other channels.
      Find us on LinkedIn
      0800 888 696

      Wellington Office
      Level 12, 10 Customhouse Quay,
      Wellington, 6011
      +64 4 974 5362

      Auckland Office
      Level 15, 88 Shortland Street,
      Auckland, 1010
      +64 9 553 9636

      Christchurch Office
      +64 3 244 0494

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